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HOME HYPERAUTOMATION SERVICES SERVICES API Política de privacidad PRICES Blog Resultados de la búsqueda Members MÁS ENG Hyperautomation Una integración para automatizar de extremo a extremo procesos de vinculación. Core ID 17 factores de verificación identidad que aseguran instantáneamente la confianza en clientes y proveedores. GeniusDocs Documentos, inteligentes, autogestionados, sin incongruencias, con monitoreo 7X24x365. smart signature Firmas seguras, para negocios hiper seguros. authenticator Adjuntar y validar documentos. NOT GOING Intelligent personal assistant para acompañar a usuarios en procesos de registro. cybersecurity mesh La frontera de la ciberseguridad. Próximamente Academy Próximamente Solicita tu DEMO A single provider A single integration a single platform before It is the first platform that hyper-automates linking and sales processes, taking away the headache for companies of dealing with new technologies, integrations, regulations, development team times and unaffordable prices. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Copyright © 2023 anteia sas All rights reserved. ANS API Contacto API ANS Medium PQR PQR Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Política de privacidad Bogota DC, Colombia 118942 Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
- SERVICIOS | anteia sas
Core ID Docs Firma Electrónica Authentikator X-eia Servicios Solicita tu DEMO multiple factors A solid confidence G. lossario La verificación de identidad es el proceso de comprobación y confirmación de los datos e información proporcionados por una persona para determinar si son verdaderos y corresponden a su identidad real. La verificación de múltiples factores o multifactorial es un enfoque más seguro, ya que utiliza varios métodos para confirmar la identidad de una persona, en lugar de solo uno, esto reduce el riesgo de suplantación de identidad y aumenta la confianza en la verificación. Esta verificación es altamente personalizable para asegurar una alta convertibilidad, manteniendo altos niveles de seguridad. Conoce más Docs Servicio de procesamiento de documentos que permite: (1) Creación de documentos como formularios, contratos, pagarés, entre otros. (2) Análisis de texto para extraer información valiosa de los documentos, como datos personales, números, fechas, etc. (3) Clasificación de documentos que da la posibilidad de organizarlos automáticamente según diferentes categorías. (4) Reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) que permite digitalizar documentos en papel y convertirlos en archivos electrónicos. (5) Monitoreo de incongruencias de información y alertas de riesgo. Conoce más Firma electrónica La firma electrónica es un método digital para asociar a personas autenticadas con documentos digitales válidos. Se utiliza para verificar la identidad del remitente y garantizar la integridad y autenticidad del documento. Se basa en criptografía y tecnologías de seguridad. En el ecosistema de anteia, se realiza una verificación de identidad para asociar la identidad digital del firmante y garantizar la integridad y no repudio del documento. Nuestros métodos de validación incluyen reconocimiento facial y mensajería de texto con códigos de un solo uso, sin embargo, por el uso de la identidad digital, siempre hay una forma de verificar la identidad del firmante. Posee marcas de tiempo certificadas por autoridades confiables y puede ser verificada y almacenada por un largo tiempo. El proceso de firma electrónica requiere que todas las partes involucradas verifiquen su identidad y acepten las condiciones antes de generar el documento final, cumpliendo con las normativas relacionadas e integridad del documento. Conoce más Authentikator Servicio que utiliza técnicas de computer vision, aprendizaje automático y análisis de datos para identificar patrones y tendencias en documentos falsificados, analizar y comparar características visuales de un documento (como texto, imágenes, diseño y formato) con una base de datos de documentos auténticos conocidos. Tiene la capacidad de detectar características falsas o alteradas en un documento y emitir una advertencia o una respuesta si se determina que el documento no es auténtico. Permite adjuntar documentos de identidad, diplomas, facturas, certificados, declaraciones de renta o cualquier otro documento y validar su autenticidad. Convierte documentos no estructurados en estructurados. Convierte imágenes con texto en datos de texto legibles por computadoras. Conoce más x-eia En un Intelligent personal Assistant que ayuda a los usuarios finales a cometer la menor cantidad de errores en su proceso de vinculación, a que puedan resolver problemas rápidamente y mejorar su experiencia de registro. Conoce más Services Authenticated Attachments. Allows you to attach identity documents, diplomas, invoices, certificates, income statements or any other document. Convert unstructured documents to structured to automate large-scale procurement data capture, increase operational efficiencies, improve customer experience, and inform decision-making by speeding and securing processes. Smart Contracts. Legal documents that can be generated automatically, stored securely on a blockchain, and have pre-programmed clauses that are automatically triggered under certain conditions, allowing for greater control and monitoring of the contract lifecycle. This can improve efficiency and security in contract management. Electronic signature. Mechanism that allows a person to be linked to an electronic message, contract or electronic document, identifying himself as a signatory of the message. Provides users with the ability to perform signatures, facilitates the distribution of legally sensitive documents for the collection of electronic signatures. Smart forms. Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. Digital identity. Identity verification information is anonymized to reuse it in future events such as management of forms, contracts or electronic signatures, which allows streamlining processes and guaranteeing the security of information. Decision engine. Run automated decisions based on custom rules as a set of processes. It uses artificial intelligence and analysis to learn and redefine decisions. Dematerialized promissory notes. Mechanism that allows you to sign, fill out and endorse promissory notes supported by dematerialized technology (secure digitization), protected with an advanced electronic signature ensuring its validity. It allows the custody and completion of blank promissory notes for processing, using a secure trace for the parties, verifying the transactions made on the promissory note. Identity verification. Multiple verification factors ensure instantly that customers, employees, suppliers are really who they say they are. Facial and voice biometrics, proof of life, identity document authenticity, GPS, mobile number, Device ID, verification in binding and non-binding lists, search in public and private sources of information and credit history._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Solicita tu DEMO
- Staff010 | anteia sas
Ernest Viana product manager phone +57 301 596 6685 Email
- ANS | anteia
Core ID ANS 1. SOPORTE Y MANTENIMIENTO Requerimientos Particulares (de personalización o adaptación): En caso de que el Cliente requiera una serie de adiciones o adaptaciones particulares al Sistema anteia , los cuales por definición necesitarán labores de programación a cargo del equipo de desarrolladores de anteia . Si los requerimientos son genéricos, es decir, aplican para la base instalada de clientes de anteia , estos son evaluados e incluidos en el “roadmap” de versiones de anteia y luego estarán disponibles sin costo (cuando la versión correspondiente sea liberada). En caso de que los requerimientos sean particulares y exclusivos para el Cliente o bien que no se pueda esperar a la próxima versión para contar con ellos, el Cliente debe hacer un levantamiento del o los requerimientos según los formatos indicados por anteia. Con esta especificación escrita anteia cotiza el requerimiento. Después de que dicha cotización es aceptada por escrito por el Cliente, se inicia su desarrollo, atendiendo a las prioridades del equipo de desarrollo de anteia . Todas las tareas de programación del Sistema se realizan en Colombia, en donde se encuentra el equipo de desarrolladores. El costo de la instalación posterior al desarrollo de estos requerimientos particulares se incluirá en la cotización respectiva y en caso de estar de acuerdo y exista contrato vigente, se modificará el anexo correspondiente. Definiciones: Mantenimiento: son aquellas actualizaciones, mejoras y nuevas versiones de la plataforma, las cuales podrán ser realizadas por anteia de manera libre en cualquier momento, siempre y cuando no afecte el servicio. En caso de que se requiera algún cambio por parte del cliente a nivel de integración, se le notificará previamente para realizar el plan de migración. Las adecuaciones se realizarán en horarios no hábiles. Soporte: es el apoyo operativo que ofrece anteia a sus clientes, en relación con la plataforma, con el fin que estos puedan acudir a anteia . Nivel: soporte técnico que se prestará al cliente. Se clasifica en Primer y Segundo Nivel. Soporte Técnico: Etapa inicial en la cual el personal de técnico del Cliente analiza el problema y determinan si la solución puede producirse sin necesidad de recurrir a anteia . En muchas ocasiones los inconvenientes son resueltos a este nivel y los tiempos de respuesta a los mismos dependen del mismo Cliente. Para reducir las emergencias, todo trabajo de nuevas instalaciones, mantenimiento de bases de datos, y cualquier otro ajuste que ponga en peligro la estabilidad de los servicios prestados por anteia y que sea el Cliente el que los vaya a realizar por sus propios medios, debe ser sometido a validación por parte del personal de soporte de anteia y en caso de requerir soporte sobre estas acciones, la empresa cobrará dicho servicio adicional, conforme lo establecido en cobro horas hombres en el Contrato. De igual manera, el Cliente puede optar por contactar por correo electrónico al equipo de soporte de anteia en Bogotá D.C./ San José CR para aclarar dudas; en el correo: En caso que el problema persista, entonces el cliente puede recurrir al esquema de soporte de anteia. Los niveles de atención que anteia ofrece son los siguientes: Soporte Primer Nivel. Una vez concluido que el nivel de soporte interno y las personas de la organización no pueden resolver el asunto, los clientes pueden comunicarse con el equipo de soporte de anteia enviando un correo electrónico a . En el mismo, los clientes deben proporcionar una explicación detallada del inconveniente que están experimentando. Soporte Segundo Nivel. Cuando el problema no pueda resolverse en el primer nivel, anteia procederá a remitir correo electrónico al cliente informando que el caso pasa a segundo nivel, en caso de ser necesario se tendrá llamada o videollamada. Horario del soporte El soporte se otorga los días hábiles en horario de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. hora colombiana. Procedimiento Para la atención de fallas reportados por los clientes anteia , será: El cliente debe remitir correo electrónico detallando la falla y anexando pantallas, reportes, mensajes, etc. que ayuden a los ingenieros de anteia a determinar las causas del problema. anteia contesta el correo electrónico indicando el número del ticket asignado e inicia el proceso de revisión. anteia evalúa la consulta o problema del cliente para determinar qué acción se debe tomar. Categorización y Priorización: La solicitud se clasifica según su tipo (consulta, queja, solicitud de servicio, etc.) y urgencia. anteia utiliza guías de ayuda, bases de conocimientos o scripts predefinidos para proporcionar una solución al problema del cliente. Si el problema es básico y puede ser resuelto en el Primer Nivel, el anteia lo hará en los tiempos de respuestas definidos. Si no, el ticket se escalará al Segundo Nivel de Soporte con toda la información relevante recopilada. anteia le notificará al cliente por correo electrónico que el caso ha sido escalado a Soporte Segundo Nivel. El equipo de Soporte de Segundo Nivel trabaja en el problema hasta que se encuentra una solución. anteia , una vez resuelto el problema, procederá a notificarlo al cliente con los detalles de la solución. El equipo de soporte de anteia revisa regularmente los incidentes y las respuestas de los clientes para identificar áreas de mejora. Tiempos de Respuesta Los tiempos de respuesta que dará anteia a los clientes conforme los siguientes Niveles: Soporte Primer Nivel: en un máximo de 6 horas, contados a partir de la respuesta por parte de anteia indicando el número del ticket de servicio. Soporte Segundo Nivel: en un máximo de 2 horas, contados a partir de la llamada generada por anteia cuando no ha sido posible resolverlo en el primer nivel. 2. COMPENSACIONES POR INACTIVIDAD Definiciones: Error: petición válida que resulta en un comportamiento no deseado del sistema, por cuenta y responsabilidad de anteia y está clasificado por el listado HTTP en 500, o de la familia 500. Tasa de Error: es el número de Peticiones Válidas que resultan en un error HTTP 500 (o de la familia 5**), dividido por el total de Peticiones Válidas durante ese periodo. Peticiones Válidas: es un llamado a un API o una interfaz que son conformes a las especificaciones determinadas con anteia en el siguiente link , y que finaliza con una respuesta esperada. Ventana de Mantenimiento: significa una ventana de tiempo durante la cual el servicio se desconecta para tareas de actualización o mantenimiento. Periodo de Inactividad: es el espacio de tiempo de cinco (5) o más minutos consecutivos, en el cual un sistema, servicio o plataforma no recibe respuesta ni responde a ninguna interacción o solicitud por parte de los usuarios o clientes. Las Ventanas de Mantenimiento no están incluidas en el Periodo de Inactividad. Tiempo de Funcionamiento Mensual: es el total de minutos del mes, menos los Periodos de Inactividad del mes. Porcentaje de Tiempo en Funcionamiento Mensual: Es el Tiempo de Funcionamiento Mensual dividido por el total de minutos en el mes. Servicio Cubierto: significa los servicios de fastSignature, CoreID, Magic Forms, BackOffice y HyperFlow, dependiente del Contrato Suscrito entre las partes. Impacto: Es una medida relacionada con el Periodo de Inactividad que se medirá entre alto, medio y bajo. Detalle Durante el plazo del Contrato con el Cliente, anteia se ha comprometido a proporcionar los servicios definidos en este y, por tanto, se obliga a proporcionar un Porcentaje de Tiempo en Funcionamiento Mensual de la siguiente manera (en adelante el "Objetivo de Nivel de Servicio" ): Servicios de anteia : Porcentaje de Tiempo en Funcionamiento Mensual fastSignature Core ID Magic Forms BackOffcie Hyperflow 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % Si anteia no cumple con el Objetivo de Nivel de Servicio, el Cliente podrá requerir a anteia que aplique los descuentos a la factura del siguiente mes, conforme el siguiente cuadro aplicable: Porcentaje de Tiempo en Funcionamiento Mensual Porcentaje de descuento aplicable en la factura siguiente: 99% a < 99.9% [Impacto Bajo] 95% a < 99% [Impacto Medio] < 95% [Impacto Alto] 10 % 25 % 50 % Procedimiento para solicitar Compensación por Inactividad Para ser aplicado el descuento en la factura siguiente, es necesario cumplir con el siguiente procedimiento: Notificar al equipo de asistencia técnica de anteia por correo electrónico sobre los hechos que configuren los Errores y por tanto la Inactividad, así como, los soportes correspondientes con fecha y hora que se produjo, en un plazo máximo de treinta días desde que lo evidenció. anteia tendrá un plazo máximo de cinco (5) días para dar respuesta al Cliente sobre la petición realizada. En caso que anteia evidencie y sea aplicable la petición del Cliente, procederá a dar el Porcentaje de descuento en la factura siguiente. En caso que anteia evidencia que no es aplicable la petición del Cliente dará respuesta con los sustentos correspondientes. La Cantidad máxima del Porcentaje de descuento aplicable por mes es del 50%. El presente documento es la versión actualizada de los ANS, reemplazando cualquier versión anterior. Fecha de actualización: 21 de Octubre 2023
- DOCS | anteia sas
Docs Terminologia Magic Forms Beneficios Propiedades Configuración Casos de uso Analytics API Pagarés Beneficios Casos de uso FAQ Analytics API Solicita tu DEMO Core ID Document processing based on artificial intelligence that allows the automation of tasks related to document management. A to analyze and extract information from documents, as well as automatically classify and label them. Tasks that Anteia can automate include data extraction, content verification, and document generation. Anteia's technology is based on a set of machine learning algorithms, which are capable of learning autonomously from previously tagged document examples. This allows GeniusDocs to be able to analyze and understand different types of documents, including invoices, receipts, emails, contracts, and other types of structured and unstructured documents. In addition to its ability to automate document management related tasks, GeniusDocs also offers a number of other benefits. It can help improve the accuracy and speed of document processing, which can significantly reduce operating costs. It can also help improve security and regulatory compliance by enabling automatic detection of sensitive or potentially inappropriate information. G. lossario Document Processing. Automatic document processing to extract relevant information and data. Natural Language Processing (NLP). Technology that allows computers to understand and analyze human language. OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Technology that converts images of text into a digital format. Data extraction. Process of gathering and organizing information from documents. Data integration. Process of combining different data sources to create a more complete and accurate view. Process automation. Use of technology to automate manual tasks and improve efficiency. Machine Learning. Artificial intelligence technique that allows machines to learn and improve from experience. Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Technology that automates repetitive and high-volume tasks through the use of software robots. chatbots. Artificial intelligence applications designed to interact with users through a conversation. Document processing in real time. Automatic document processing that allows obtaining results in real time. Accessibility. Ability of a document to be accessed and used by people with disabilities. Intuitive user interface. Interface that is easy to use and understand for the user. Application integration. Process of connecting different applications so that they work together and share information. predictive analytics Artificial intelligence technique that uses algorithms and models to predict future outcomes. SmartDocument. Electronic document with intelligent features that allow advanced user interaction and automation. Document Automation. Process of creating, editing and sending electronic documents using automated technologies and tools. Document management. Systematic and organized process of creating, storing, retrieving and distributing electronic documents. Interaction with Documents. Process of interacting with electronic documents using specific technologies and tools. OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Technology used to convert scanned images or documents into editable text. Document Storage. Process of saving and storing electronic documents in a secure and accessible manner. Document Editing. Process of modifying and updating electronic documents. Electronic signature. Process of signing electronic documents using specific technologies and tools. Natural Language Processing. Technology used to process and understand natural human language. Machine Learning. Technology used for computers to learn from data and perform tasks without being explicitly programmed. Process Robotics. Technology used to automate repetitive tasks and improve business efficiency. Intelligent Personal Assistant. Technology used to provide personal assistance and solve tasks through conversations with a user. Document Analysis. Process of analyzing electronic documents to extract relevant information. Smart Contracts. Autonomous electronic contracts that are automatically executed and verified without the need for intermediaries. Document Integration. Process of integrating electronic documents into business systems and processes to improve efficiency and productivity. anonymization. Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the owner of the data can no longer be identified, and therefore this data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person by using all reasonable means to be used by any other person. Authentication. Although traditionally, authentication processes were related to the originality of documents, in computing they began to be used to verify the identity of people. In other words, to confirm that an individual is who they say they are. To do this, digital authentication relates each user to one or more variables. Usually these variables or factors are classified into three types: by data that people know, such as a password or a PIN. By objects, such as a token, ID card, or SIM card. Or by biometric characteristics of the subjects such as fingerprints. But there are also authentication systems that go a step further and ask for specific actions. Multifactor Authentication. Generally, single-factor authentication systems are more vulnerable, even more so when they depend on passwords chosen by the users themselves. But at the same time, they are the easiest systems to manage given how easy it is to generate and change passwords within an organization. On the other hand, there are biometric systems that are not without risk and that are impossible to change since they are linked to the corporeality of each subject. Fortunately, there is a trend that takes the best of both using two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms. Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users. Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc.) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and METRON(measurement). Behavioral Biometrics. It is about biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait. cybercrime. It is all crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them. Confidentiality. Initially defined as "what is done or said in the confidence that what is done or said will be kept confidential", today it simply means keeping a secret. This quality in computer terms refers to the fact that the data that is stored on any device and transmitted in any medium should not be exposed to anyone. This reserve of information is enhanced through the use of cryptography. deduplication . Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials. Availability. It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons. Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure. Authorized source. Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard. Identity. It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables. Digital identity. Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means. ID. It is the action or process of identifying or identifying oneself. Traditionally, this process is linked in the physical world and government agencies with the use of identity documents. On the digital plane, it is usually used to verify that on the other side of the computer, or smartphone, the person who comes into contact is who they say they are. For this purpose, attribute registration processes are used and later, based on the information captured, credentials are issued to optimize the authentication processes. Biometric Identification. It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user. Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold. Integrity. It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent. performance metrics. They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out: False Acceptance Rate (FAR). The False Acceptance Rate or FAR is sometimes known as the False Negative Rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems. False rejection rate (FRR). It is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user. Biometric recognition. Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes. Face recognition. Facial recognition is the use of technology to verify the identity of a user by comparing their facial attributes with a digitally stored database. Despite not being the most accurate identification method, of all the biometrics, it has become popular due to its ease of use. Its operation is based on the registration of the facial structure, using the distances between the center of the pupils in the eyes, the nose, the mouth and the edges of the jaw. These variables are stored using algorithms that protect the information and optimize it for later comparison. cyber security. Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists. Identification system. It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data. Digital identification system. It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities. Error rate. No matter how sophisticated the technological equipment used in biometrics may be, there will always be a margin of error. For this reason, in biometrics we speak of a biometric threshold that must be established using false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) variables. In this way, if the biometric threshold is at a low value, few rejections will be generated, which is equivalent to a low FRR and a greater risk of imitators. To avoid this, the FRR is increased, which will also decrease the FAR. check . For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services. Biometric verification. It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template. multiple factors A solid confidence Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Benefits Digitize forms in seconds. They allow organizations to efficiently collect user data by integrating with existing databases and workflows. Provides companies with authentic user information, minimizing the risk of fraud. The information compiled in these documents is periodically updated and verified. Eliminate human typing errors. Automate reports that improve customer knowledge. Increase end customer satisfaction by freeing them from the stressful processes of managing multiple forms with the same information over and over again. Promptly alert fraud risks or eventualities in compliance compliance. Eliminate transaction limits, annoying authentication steps, and false declines. It doesn't let document failures and device changes stop customers. They minimize fraud. Maximize conversion. It improves the user experience by being self-managing, avoiding filling out large amounts of information. Properties Face Propiedad Servicios Tecnología 1 Digitalización de formulario lleno. Recibir documento en formato PDF. Automatización de lectura de datos. Almacenamiento de datos. Consulta de datos. Ajustes manuales. Notificar estado del proceso. Se recibe el archivo PDF del cliente por medio del API. Se extrae el texto. Se almacenan los datos del PDF. El cliente puede acceder a través de un API a los datos recolectados del documento. Anteia desea hacer correcciones con respecto a la base de datos. Notificar por medio de webhook el estado de un archivo. 2 Digitalización de un formulario vacío. Recibir documento en formato PDF o Excel (No jpg o png). Automatización esquematización. Almacenamiento de esquema. Ajustes manuales. Verificación del formulario. Se extrae el texto. Interpretar requerimiento. Se almacena el esquema del formulario. Anteia desea hacer correcciones con respecto a la base de datos. Corroborar estado. Corregir datos. Back office 3 Interfaz de usuario. FrontEnd Que se pueda interpretar el esquema para dibujar las preguntas. Guardar la información del formulario llenado . Properties Servicio Configuración Campos del formulario Nro. De páginas. Tipos de campos. Qué campos van en cada página. Etiquetas de los campos. Condicionales. Contenido de los campos. Autocarga de los campos. Validaciones de la información ingresada. Campos autocalculados. Alertas por el valor de los campos Por cada campo se pueden definir una lista de valores, para los cuales dicho campo puede generar una alerta. Campos mapeados El valor de un campo puede ser cargado a partir del valor de otro campo. Ejemplo. Si se tiene una actividad económica, en otro campo se puede autocompletar el CIIU. Use cases Promissory notes issued by financing institutions to guarantee the payment of loans. Issued by banks or financial institutions. Used to finance short-term business transactions. For personal loans online. By leasing companies to finance the acquisition of property. Guarantee payment of invoices. Promissory notes issued by educational institutions to finance the education of students. Used in the stock market to back corporate bonds. Issued by companies to finance capital projects. Issued by insurance companies to support insurance policies. Promissory notes issued by factoring companies to finance the obtaining of invoices. By brokerage institutions to guarantee the payment of commercial transactions. Frequent questions Does it have the same validity as a traditional promissory note? If, due to the principle of functional equivalence and being a document that is born digitally, it meets all the conditions of a traditional promissory note What are the issuance requirements? The same as any legal document, to be signed a method must be generated that associates the debtor with this document, through verifiable systems of non-repudiation, authenticity and integrity of the document. The regulations regarding the promissory note fall especially on the transfer and custody of the documents. How is it transferred? There is a process called endorsement, which allows the promissory note to be transferred as a security, so that the endorser transfers ownership of the document and his obligation to the endorsee. In our system, this process happens in a completely virtual way, since we verify the identity of the endorsee to make a successful transfer, the result of which is the transfer of ownership of the document in our system. How can you negotiate? The negotiation of the promissory note is outside the system, because like other securities, it can be traded, we allow this trade by providing the client with the functionality of endorsing a promissory note. Who can issue a dematerialized promissory note? Due to the principle of functional equivalence, anyone can issue a promissory note, however, it is important that this promissory note is signed and that it is kept in such a way that the integrity of the document and the identity of the debtor can be verified, which is why systems like ours are They are in charge of guarding the promissory note during its life cycle, from creation and signing, to processing or endorsement and gives clients the power to manage it, making the process easier and safer, both for clients and for debtors. What are the differences between a dematerialized promissory note and a traditional promissory note? The dematerialized promissory note is a representation of the traditional promissory note, which allows the same actions to be performed on the document, only that it is born and is maintained in the digital world, which brings advantages of storage, administration, signature and even agility in the life cycle of a promissory note What are the risks associated with dematerialized promissory notes? Security risk. As they are electronic documents, dematerialized promissory notes are exposed to the possibility of hacking, identity theft and other computer crimes. Default risk. As with traditional notes, if the issuer of the note fails to meet its payment obligation, the investor may lose some or all of their investment. Liquidity risk. As with traditional promissory notes, dematerialized promissory notes may have a lower degree of liquidity than other financial instruments or securities, which may make it difficult to negotiate or sell them in the secondary market. In general, the risks associated with dematerialized promissory notes originate from the use of computer technologies or derive from risks associated with any type of promissory note. What security does a dematerialized promissory note offer? Depending on the way it was issued, it can generate many advantages, the traceability of the document is protected and difficult to break. The verification of the identity of the debtor or debtors allows for more reliability, the custody of the document allows it not to be lost or document mismanagement. Finally, the integrity of the associated documents ensures that the changes made are verified and does not allow unauthorized modifications. What are the costs associated with dematerialized promissory notes? The costs relate to maintaining the promissory note, by which we mean custody as well as administration, and signing associated documents, which utilize identity verification. How can you collect a dematerialized promissory note? Due to the principle of functional equivalence, in the same way as a traditional promissory note, if the debtor is not willing to pay the obligation, the documentation is generated digitally and the creditor can demand payment in court, because the documentation is sufficient evidence to show that the debtor accepted the obligation. What happens if the debtor does not pay a dematerialized promissory note? The creditor can demand payment in a lawsuit, forcing him to pay the debt associated with the promissory note, the only difference with a traditional promissory note is the use of digital documents as evidence of such obligation. Regulation Argentina: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Argentina is governed by Securities Law No. 22,415 and by the National Securities Commission. The law establishes the requirements for the issuance, negotiation and transfer of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Brazil: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Brazil is governed by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and by the Securities Market Law No. 6,385/76. The CVM is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities market in Brazil, including dematerialized promissory notes. The law establishes the requirements for the issuance, negotiation and transfer of securities, as well as the obligations of issuers of securities. Mexico: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Mexico is regulated by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV). The CNBV is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities market in Mexico, including dematerialized promissory notes. The IMSS is responsible for regulating and supervising the issuance of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Colombia: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Colombia is regulated by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the financial market in Colombia, including the stock market and the issuance of dematerialized promissory notes. Costa Rica: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Central Bank of Costa Rica and the General Superintendence of Securities. The Central Bank is responsible for regulating and supervising the monetary and financial market in Costa Rica, including the stock market. The General Securities Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the issuance and trading of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. It is important to note that regulations may vary over time and it is advisable to check current laws and regulations before issuing or negotiating dematerialized promissory notes in Costa Rica. Peru: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Peru is regulated by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the financial market in Peru, including the stock market and the issuance of dematerialized promissory notes. Chile: the regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the stock market and ensuring the protection of investors and the integrity of the stock market in the country. Ecuador: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Central Bank of Ecuador and the Superintendence of Companies. The Central Bank is responsible for regulating and supervising the monetary and financial market in Ecuador, including the stock market. The Superintendency of Companies is responsible for regulating and supervising the issuance and trading of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Panama: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Superintendency of the Stock Market. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities market in Panama, including the issuance and trading of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Solicita tu DEMO
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Docs Terminologia Magic Forms Beneficios Propiedades Configuración Casos de uso Analytics API Pagarés Beneficios Casos de uso FAQ Analytics API Solicita tu DEMO Core ID Document processing based on artificial intelligence that allows the automation of tasks related to document management. A to analyze and extract information from documents, as well as automatically classify and label them. Tasks that Anteia can automate include data extraction, content verification, and document generation. Anteia's technology is based on a set of machine learning algorithms, which are capable of learning autonomously from previously tagged document examples. This allows GeniusDocs to be able to analyze and understand different types of documents, including invoices, receipts, emails, contracts, and other types of structured and unstructured documents. In addition to its ability to automate document management related tasks, GeniusDocs also offers a number of other benefits. It can help improve the accuracy and speed of document processing, which can significantly reduce operating costs. It can also help improve security and regulatory compliance by enabling automatic detection of sensitive or potentially inappropriate information. G. lossario Document Processing. Automatic document processing to extract relevant information and data. Natural Language Processing (NLP). Technology that allows computers to understand and analyze human language. OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Technology that converts images of text into a digital format. Data extraction. Process of gathering and organizing information from documents. Data integration. Process of combining different data sources to create a more complete and accurate view. Process automation. Use of technology to automate manual tasks and improve efficiency. Machine Learning. Artificial intelligence technique that allows machines to learn and improve from experience. Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Technology that automates repetitive and high-volume tasks through the use of software robots. chatbots. Artificial intelligence applications designed to interact with users through a conversation. Document processing in real time. Automatic document processing that allows obtaining results in real time. Accessibility. Ability of a document to be accessed and used by people with disabilities. Intuitive user interface. Interface that is easy to use and understand for the user. Application integration. Process of connecting different applications so that they work together and share information. predictive analytics Artificial intelligence technique that uses algorithms and models to predict future outcomes. SmartDocument. Electronic document with intelligent features that allow advanced user interaction and automation. Document Automation. Process of creating, editing and sending electronic documents using automated technologies and tools. Document management. Systematic and organized process of creating, storing, retrieving and distributing electronic documents. Interaction with Documents. Process of interacting with electronic documents using specific technologies and tools. OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Technology used to convert scanned images or documents into editable text. Document Storage. Process of saving and storing electronic documents in a secure and accessible manner. Document Editing. Process of modifying and updating electronic documents. Electronic signature. Process of signing electronic documents using specific technologies and tools. Natural Language Processing. Technology used to process and understand natural human language. Machine Learning. Technology used for computers to learn from data and perform tasks without being explicitly programmed. Process Robotics. Technology used to automate repetitive tasks and improve business efficiency. Intelligent Personal Assistant. Technology used to provide personal assistance and solve tasks through conversations with a user. Document Analysis. Process of analyzing electronic documents to extract relevant information. Smart Contracts. Autonomous electronic contracts that are automatically executed and verified without the need for intermediaries. Document Integration. Process of integrating electronic documents into business systems and processes to improve efficiency and productivity. anonymization. Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the owner of the data can no longer be identified, and therefore this data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person by using all reasonable means to be used by any other person. Authentication. Although traditionally, authentication processes were related to the originality of documents, in computing they began to be used to verify the identity of people. In other words, to confirm that an individual is who they say they are. To do this, digital authentication relates each user to one or more variables. Usually these variables or factors are classified into three types: by data that people know, such as a password or a PIN. By objects, such as a token, ID card, or SIM card. Or by biometric characteristics of the subjects such as fingerprints. But there are also authentication systems that go a step further and ask for specific actions. Multifactor Authentication. Generally, single-factor authentication systems are more vulnerable, even more so when they depend on passwords chosen by the users themselves. But at the same time, they are the easiest systems to manage given how easy it is to generate and change passwords within an organization. On the other hand, there are biometric systems that are not without risk and that are impossible to change since they are linked to the corporeality of each subject. Fortunately, there is a trend that takes the best of both using two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms. Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users. Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc.) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and METRON(measurement). Behavioral Biometrics. It is about biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait. cybercrime. It is all crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them. Confidentiality. Initially defined as "what is done or said in the confidence that what is done or said will be kept confidential", today it simply means keeping a secret. This quality in computer terms refers to the fact that the data that is stored on any device and transmitted in any medium should not be exposed to anyone. This reserve of information is enhanced through the use of cryptography. deduplication . Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials. Availability. It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons. Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure. Authorized source. Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard. Identity. It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables. Digital identity. Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means. ID. It is the action or process of identifying or identifying oneself. Traditionally, this process is linked in the physical world and government agencies with the use of identity documents. On the digital plane, it is usually used to verify that on the other side of the computer, or smartphone, the person who comes into contact is who they say they are. For this purpose, attribute registration processes are used and later, based on the information captured, credentials are issued to optimize the authentication processes. Biometric Identification. It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user. Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold. Integrity. It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent. performance metrics. They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out: False Acceptance Rate (FAR). The False Acceptance Rate or FAR is sometimes known as the False Negative Rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems. False rejection rate (FRR). It is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user. Biometric recognition. Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes. Face recognition. Facial recognition is the use of technology to verify the identity of a user by comparing their facial attributes with a digitally stored database. Despite not being the most accurate identification method, of all the biometrics, it has become popular due to its ease of use. Its operation is based on the registration of the facial structure, using the distances between the center of the pupils in the eyes, the nose, the mouth and the edges of the jaw. These variables are stored using algorithms that protect the information and optimize it for later comparison. cyber security. Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists. Identification system. It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data. Digital identification system. It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities. Error rate. No matter how sophisticated the technological equipment used in biometrics may be, there will always be a margin of error. For this reason, in biometrics we speak of a biometric threshold that must be established using false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) variables. In this way, if the biometric threshold is at a low value, few rejections will be generated, which is equivalent to a low FRR and a greater risk of imitators. To avoid this, the FRR is increased, which will also decrease the FAR. check . For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services. Biometric verification. It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template. multiple factors A solid confidence Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Benefits Digitize forms in seconds. They allow organizations to efficiently collect user data by integrating with existing databases and workflows. Provides companies with authentic user information, minimizing the risk of fraud. The information compiled in these documents is periodically updated and verified. Eliminate human typing errors. Automate reports that improve customer knowledge. Increase end customer satisfaction by freeing them from the stressful processes of managing multiple forms with the same information over and over again. Promptly alert fraud risks or eventualities in compliance compliance. Eliminate transaction limits, annoying authentication steps, and false declines. It doesn't let document failures and device changes stop customers. They minimize fraud. Maximize conversion. It improves the user experience by being self-managing, avoiding filling out large amounts of information. Properties Face Features Services Technology 1 Digitalization of completed form. Receive document in PDF format. Data reading automation. Data storage. Data query. Manual adjustments. Notification of process status. The PDF file is received from the client via the API. The text is extracted. The PDF data is stored. The client can access through an API to the data collected from the document. Anteia wants to make corrections with respect to the database. Notify via webhook the status of a file. 2 Digitization of an empty form. Receive document in PDF or Excel format (No jpg or png). Automation schematization. Schema storage. Manual adjustments. Form verification. The text is extracted. Interpret request. The schema of the form is stored. Anteia wants to make corrections with respect to the database. Check status. Correct data. Back office 3 User interface. FrontEnd To be able to interpret the scheme to draw the questions. Save the information from the completed form. Properties Service Configuration Form fields Number of pages. Types of fields. Which fields go on each page. Field labels. Conditionals. Field contents. Field autoloading. Validations of the entered information. Autocalculated fields. Field value alerts For each field you can define a list of values, for which this field can generate an alert. Mapped fields The value of a field can be loaded from the value of another field. Example. If you have an economic activity, in another field you can autocomplete the ISIC. Use cases Promissory notes issued by financing institutions to guarantee the payment of loans. Issued by banks or financial institutions. Used to finance short-term business transactions. For personal loans online. By leasing companies to finance the acquisition of property. Guarantee payment of invoices. Promissory notes issued by educational institutions to finance the education of students. Used in the stock market to back corporate bonds. Issued by companies to finance capital projects. Issued by insurance companies to support insurance policies. Promissory notes issued by factoring companies to finance the obtaining of invoices. By brokerage institutions to guarantee the payment of commercial transactions. Frequent questions Does it have the same validity as a traditional promissory note? If, due to the principle of functional equivalence and being a document that is born digitally, it meets all the conditions of a traditional promissory note What are the issuance requirements? The same as any legal document, to be signed a method must be generated that associates the debtor with this document, through verifiable systems of non-repudiation, authenticity and integrity of the document. The regulations regarding the promissory note fall especially on the transfer and custody of the documents. How is it transferred? There is a process called endorsement, which allows the promissory note to be transferred as a security, so that the endorser transfers ownership of the document and his obligation to the endorsee. In our system, this process happens in a completely virtual way, since we verify the identity of the endorsee to make a successful transfer, the result of which is the transfer of ownership of the document in our system. How can you negotiate? The negotiation of the promissory note is outside the system, because like other securities, it can be traded, we allow this trade by providing the client with the functionality of endorsing a promissory note. Who can issue a dematerialized promissory note? Due to the principle of functional equivalence, anyone can issue a promissory note, however, it is important that this promissory note is signed and that it is kept in such a way that the integrity of the document and the identity of the debtor can be verified, which is why systems like ours are They are in charge of guarding the promissory note during its life cycle, from creation and signing, to processing or endorsement and gives clients the power to manage it, making the process easier and safer, both for clients and for debtors. What are the differences between a dematerialized promissory note and a traditional promissory note? The dematerialized promissory note is a representation of the traditional promissory note, which allows the same actions to be performed on the document, only that it is born and is maintained in the digital world, which brings advantages of storage, administration, signature and even agility in the life cycle of a promissory note What are the risks associated with dematerialized promissory notes? Security risk. As they are electronic documents, dematerialized promissory notes are exposed to the possibility of hacking, identity theft and other computer crimes. Default risk. As with traditional notes, if the issuer of the note fails to meet its payment obligation, the investor may lose some or all of their investment. Liquidity risk. As with traditional promissory notes, dematerialized promissory notes may have a lower degree of liquidity than other financial instruments or securities, which may make it difficult to negotiate or sell them in the secondary market. In general, the risks associated with dematerialized promissory notes originate from the use of computer technologies or derive from risks associated with any type of promissory note. What security does a dematerialized promissory note offer? Depending on the way it was issued, it can generate many advantages, the traceability of the document is protected and difficult to break. The verification of the identity of the debtor or debtors allows for more reliability, the custody of the document allows it not to be lost or document mismanagement. Finally, the integrity of the associated documents ensures that the changes made are verified and does not allow unauthorized modifications. What are the costs associated with dematerialized promissory notes? The costs relate to maintaining the promissory note, by which we mean custody as well as administration, and signing associated documents, which utilize identity verification. How can you collect a dematerialized promissory note? Due to the principle of functional equivalence, in the same way as a traditional promissory note, if the debtor is not willing to pay the obligation, the documentation is generated digitally and the creditor can demand payment in court, because the documentation is sufficient evidence to show that the debtor accepted the obligation. What happens if the debtor does not pay a dematerialized promissory note? The creditor can demand payment in a lawsuit, forcing him to pay the debt associated with the promissory note, the only difference with a traditional promissory note is the use of digital documents as evidence of such obligation. Regulation Argentina: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Argentina is governed by Securities Law No. 22,415 and by the National Securities Commission. The law establishes the requirements for the issuance, negotiation and transfer of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Brazil: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Brazil is governed by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and by the Securities Market Law No. 6,385/76. The CVM is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities market in Brazil, including dematerialized promissory notes. The law establishes the requirements for the issuance, negotiation and transfer of securities, as well as the obligations of issuers of securities. Mexico: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Mexico is regulated by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV). The CNBV is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities market in Mexico, including dematerialized promissory notes. The IMSS is responsible for regulating and supervising the issuance of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Colombia: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Colombia is regulated by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the financial market in Colombia, including the stock market and the issuance of dematerialized promissory notes. Costa Rica: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Central Bank of Costa Rica and the General Superintendence of Securities. The Central Bank is responsible for regulating and supervising the monetary and financial market in Costa Rica, including the stock market. The General Securities Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the issuance and trading of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. It is important to note that regulations may vary over time and it is advisable to check current laws and regulations before issuing or negotiating dematerialized promissory notes in Costa Rica. Peru: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes in Peru is regulated by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the financial market in Peru, including the stock market and the issuance of dematerialized promissory notes. Chile: the regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the stock market and ensuring the protection of investors and the integrity of the stock market in the country. Ecuador: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Central Bank of Ecuador and the Superintendence of Companies. The Central Bank is responsible for regulating and supervising the monetary and financial market in Ecuador, including the stock market. The Superintendency of Companies is responsible for regulating and supervising the issuance and trading of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Panama: The regulation on dematerialized promissory notes is regulated by the Superintendency of the Stock Market. The Superintendency is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities market in Panama, including the issuance and trading of securities, including dematerialized promissory notes. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Magic Shapes Digital forms that are self-managed thanks to public and private sources of information, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Intelligent character recognition (ICR) and other forms or documents from the same user. The authenticity of information is verified, updated and monitored through compliance alerts, dates and inconsistencies. It allows you to attach documents, images, PDFs and other types of formats. Request DEMO
Hyperautomation Terminología Hiperautomatización Servicios Cognitive Engine Beneficios FAQ Backoffice Core ID Identity verification is the process of checking and confirming the data and information provided by a person to determine if they are true and correspond to their real identity. Multi-factor verification is a more secure approach, as it uses multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, rather than just one, reducing the risk of spoofing and increasing confidence in the verification._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ G. lossario anonymization. Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the data subject can no longer be identified, and therefore these data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person through the use of all reasonable means to be used by any other person. Authentication. Authentication is a process that confirms a person's identity in the digital world. For this, the user is related to one or more variables such as passwords, tokens, identification cards, fingerprints or biometric characteristics. These factors are classified into three types: known, object and biometric. Some systems also require specific actions for more secure authentication. Multifactor Authentication. Single-factor authentication systems, like passwords, are easy to manage but also more vulnerable due to users' choice of passwords. On the other hand, biometric systems are more secure, but they run the risk of being irreversible and linked to a person's anatomy. For the best security and convenience, the current trend is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems. Multi-factor authentication is an authentication system that requires the presence of several different factors to verify a person's identity. These factors include information known to the user (such as a password), objects in the user's possession (such as a token or ID card), and biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition). The combination of these factors provides additional security against unauthorized access to protected information or resources. Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users. Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_METRON (measured). Behavioral Biometrics. This is biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait. cybercrime. It is any crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them. Confidentiality. It is the protection of information and the guarantee that the stored and transmitted data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties. In the digital age, confidentiality is strengthened through the use of cryptography to ensure data privacy. Deduplication. Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials. Availability. It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons. Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure. Authorized source. Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard. Identity. It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables. Digital identity. Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means. ID. Process of determining or recognizing the identity of someone or something. In the physical world, it is done through identity documents issued by governments. In the digital world, identification is a key process to confirm the identity of an online user. This process includes the registration of attributes and the issuance of credentials to facilitate the subsequent authentication process. Biometric Identification. It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user. Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold. Integrity. It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent. performance metrics. They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out: False Acceptance Rate (FAR): the false acceptance rate or FAR is sometimes known as the false negative rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems. False Rejection Rate (FRR): the false rejection rate or FRR is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user. Biometric recognition. Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes. Face recognition. It is a way of verifying the identity of a user by comparing their facial features with a database saved in a digital format. This technology has become popular due to its ease of use and its registration process that includes the measurements of the different parts of the face. The registered data is optimized and protected by algorithms to guarantee the security of the information. cyber security. Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists. Identification system. It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data. Digital identification system. It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities. Error rate. Biometrics has a margin of error that is controlled through the definition of a threshold, which balances the false acceptance rate and the false rejection rate. A low threshold will increase the acceptance rate and decrease the rejection rate, which can be risky as there will be a greater chance of unauthorized persons gaining access to protected systems. Therefore, increasing the rejection rate reduces the risk of unauthorized access. Check. For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services. Biometric verification. It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template. G. lossario anonymization. Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the data subject can no longer be identified, and therefore these data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person through the use of all reasonable means to be used by any other person. Authentication. Authentication is a process that confirms a person's identity in the digital world. For this, the user is related to one or more variables such as passwords, tokens, identification cards, fingerprints or biometric characteristics. These factors are classified into three types: known, object and biometric. Some systems also require specific actions for more secure authentication. Multifactor Authentication. Single-factor authentication systems, like passwords, are easy to manage but also more vulnerable due to users' choice of passwords. On the other hand, biometric systems are more secure, but they run the risk of being irreversible and linked to a person's anatomy. For the best security and convenience, the current trend is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems. Multi-factor authentication is an authentication system that requires the presence of several different factors to verify a person's identity. These factors include information known to the user (such as a password), objects in the user's possession (such as a token or ID card), and biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition). The combination of these factors provides additional security against unauthorized access to protected information or resources. Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users. Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_METRON (measured). Behavioral Biometrics. This is biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait. cybercrime. It is any crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them. Confidentiality. It is the protection of information and the guarantee that the stored and transmitted data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties. In the digital age, confidentiality is strengthened through the use of cryptography to ensure data privacy. Deduplication. Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials. Availability. It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons. Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure. Authorized source. Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard. Identity. It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables. Digital identity. Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means. ID. Process of determining or recognizing the identity of someone or something. In the physical world, it is done through identity documents issued by governments. In the digital world, identification is a key process to confirm the identity of an online user. This process includes the registration of attributes and the issuance of credentials to facilitate the subsequent authentication process. Biometric Identification. It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user. Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold. Integrity. It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent. performance metrics. They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out: False Acceptance Rate (FAR): the false acceptance rate or FAR is sometimes known as the false negative rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems. False Rejection Rate (FRR): the false rejection rate or FRR is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user. Biometric recognition. Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes. Face recognition. It is a way of verifying the identity of a user by comparing their facial features with a database saved in a digital format. This technology has become popular due to its ease of use and its registration process that includes the measurements of the different parts of the face. The registered data is optimized and protected by algorithms to guarantee the security of the information. cyber security. Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists. Identification system. It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data. Digital identification system. It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities. Error rate. Biometrics has a margin of error that is controlled through the definition of a threshold, which balances the false acceptance rate and the false rejection rate. A low threshold will increase the acceptance rate and decrease the rejection rate, which can be risky as there will be a greater chance of unauthorized persons gaining access to protected systems. Therefore, increasing the rejection rate reduces the risk of unauthorized access. Check. For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services. Biometric verification. It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template. Benefits Reduce phishing fraud. Increase conversion rates. Combat money laundering, terrorist financing and online fraud. Valid authenticity of Information. It is the primary source for the collection of information in the creation of the digital identity of the users. Promotes AML/KYC and KYT compliance. By using multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, you reduce the risk of spoofing and increase confidence in the verification. By employing various methods to confirm identity, the risk of fraud and identity theft is reduced. Some regulations require multi-factor verification to meet security standards. Multi-factor verification allows users to use different methods to confirm their identity, providing a higher level of flexibility. It allows companies to scale their identity verification processes to accommodate a greater number of users or a greater variety of transactions. Reduces the amount of personal information that is stored and shared, helping to protect users' privacy. It gives users the possibility to authenticate on different devices, be it from a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, which makes the verification process easier. Reduces the time and costs associated with identity verification. By using multiple factors to confirm a person's identity, users and businesses can have more confidence that information is protected and secure. multiple factors A solid confidence How does it work? Multifactor identity validation system and advanced digital identity creation. Fully configurable, each verification factor allows you to validate that a user is who they say they are. At the end of the process, the digital identity created will be used to use any other Anteia service safely and quickly for the user. How does it work? Multifactor identity validation system and advanced digital identity creation. Fully configurable, each verification factor allows you to validate that a user is who they say they are. At the end of the process, the digital identity created will be used to use any other Anteia service safely and quickly for the user. Frequent questions What types of documents do you accept for identity verification? We have the ability to train our visual computing algorithms to accept different types of identity documents, we especially support the official identity documents of each country, passports and driver's licenses, mainly in Latin America. How is the security and privacy of customer information guaranteed? We implement multiple data security strategies, and we maintain more than 35 security, privacy and data protection policies. We run drills and have an incident management policy. Finally, through our Data Fabric, we allow the information collected to be anonymized. What processes and technologies do you use to verify the authenticity of documents? We use different visual computing algorithms that allow us to process information from the captured documents, such as the sources, taxonomy and other characteristics of each one of them, on which the probability that the document is authentic is presented with a very high reliability. Do you offer any additional services or solutions to enforce identity verification, such as biometric authentication? Anteia's identity verification is intrinsically connected to biometric authentication, our process requires validation of both the document and the person, so that we can verify if the person agrees with the document. Do they have any experience or certifications in identity verification in a specific industry? We have experience with entities in the solidarity sector, banking, bonds, insurance, cargo transportation industry, among others. We follow biometric and identity verification standards, following the GDPR and ISO 27701 standards. What are the processing times for identity verification? It can take a user between 1 and 3 minutes to finish a verification process, our methods allow background processing while the user interacts with the application. Can you handle mass or large-scale identity verifications? Yes, we have a scalable system to make links based on the needs and capacity requirements of each client. Do you offer any kind of technical support or customer service to help with issues related to identity verification? Yes, in addition to a technical support service, we have automated support systems (intelligent personal assistant) that in a friendly way help users to successfully complete a linking process. Do they have experience verifying identity in different languages or for clients from different countries? Currently, we are expanding in Latin America to become a global solution that accommodates all the needs of languages and people from different countries. Do you offer integration with other platforms or systems to facilitate the identity verification process in a company's workflow? Our system is easy to integrate, which is why we offer multiple integration options that allow us to connect with various systems, so that the customer experience is the best. How is customer identity verification information handled and stored? We have multiple methods of information management and storage, through our Data Fabric we anonymize and pseudonymize sensitive user data to improve user privacy. We handle different types of connections and data transfer to deliver the information to the client in a secure manner. Do you have a process in place to handle fraud or unauthorized identity verification attempts? Our system analyzes the verification process and, in case of finding anomalies, generates alerts, all based on the client's parameterization, so that in those cases they can manually verify if the anomaly was caused by an attempted fraud. What kind of reports or statistics can you provide to help companies evaluate and improve their identity verification processes? One of the functionalities in the Backoffice is the possibility of evaluating, through graphs and consolidated information, the information from the verifications in different time ranges. This is particularly useful for learning the effectiveness of a new campaign, or seeing at a glance the number of people accepted into a particular flow. In case of fraud, are they responsible for the damage caused? Anteia is responsible for compliance with the configuration parameters of the verification matrix, in case of any system failure we are responsible In case of storing the information, and reaching a termination of the contract, does the transfer of the information generate a cost? Yes, the cost varies depending on the transfer method, since it must comply with the data transfer security requirements that we have in our policies. Do they validate the photograph of the document with the issuing entity? The information of the identity document is consulted, in the event that the issuing entities offer this service, it can be quoted. Does your platform work without internet? On the roadmap there is a version of certain services that allows you to operate without a live internet connection. This version, called "Eventual Connectivity", allows data capture without any Internet connection. This data is stored on the device until it has an internet connection. At that time, the data will be sent to our servers so that it can be verified and the process is completed. Do you have notifications sent by WhatsApp? In cases of need, it is used as a means of backup notifications. Is the platform modular? Yes, the anteia services can be obtained separately. How many checks can be performed per minute? The indicator per client is 57. digital identity It is a virtual and digital representation of a person on the Internet and other digital media, which includes personal and professional information, such as names, contact information, preferences and online activity. This information allows users to interact and conduct transactions online, resulting in a more convenient and efficient experience. It can be used by companies and organizations to personalize the user experience and improve the efficiency of their business processes. It is important to be aware of the privacy and security concerns associated with digital identity. Personal information online can be vulnerable to hacker attacks and other types of cybercrime, which can result in the loss of sensitive data and breach of privacy. Pseudonymization is a data privacy technique that aims to protect the privacy of individuals when processing their personal data. It is achieved through the replacement of a person's unique identifiers, such as their name, address, identification number, etc., with an artificial identifier, such as an alias or code. This process allows the processing of personal data without exposing the real identifiers of the person, reducing the risk of re-identification and, therefore, the violation of privacy. Anteia implements an exhaustive pseudonymization process to protect the privacy of individuals and comply with regulations and data protection standards. The process includes identification of sensitive data, creation of an artificial identifier and its encryption, replacement of unique identifiers with the encrypted identifier, validation of pseudonymization, secure storage and use of pseudonymous data, and documentation. and process audit. We use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm to ensure data integrity and generate a unique hash. We pseudonymize the identity verification data. We create a digital identity. Services such as Geneus Docs and SecurSing orbit around it.
- anteia
HOME HYPERAUTOMATION SERVICES API Política de privacidad HOME HYPERAUTOMATION GENIUS DOCS PRICES Blog Resultados de la búsqueda Members MÁS Hyperautomation An integration to automate the end-to-end onboarding process. Core ID 17 identity verification factors that instantly ensure confidence in customers and suppliers. GeniusDocs Documents, intelligent, self-managed, without inconsistencies, with 7X24x365 monitoring. smart signature Secure signatures, for hyper-secure businesses. authenticator Attach and validate documents. NOT GOING Intelligent personal assistant to assist users in the registration process. cybersecurity mesh The cybersecurity frontier. Coming soon Academy Coming soon Request your DEMO A single provider A single integration a single platform before It is the first platform that hyper-automates linking and sales processes, taking away the headache for companies of dealing with new technologies, integrations, regulations, development team times and unaffordable prices. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Copyright © 2023 anteia sas All rights reserved. ANS API API ANS Medium PQR Contacto PQR Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Política de privacidad Bogota DC, Colombia 118942 Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
- CORE ID | anteia sas
Core ID Terminología Beneficios Servicios Proceso de verificación Configuraciones Casos de uso Preguntas frecuentes Identidad digital Analytics Solicita tu DEMO Core ID Identity verification is the process of checking and confirming the data and information provided by a person to determine if they are true and correspond to their real identity. Multi-factor verification is a more secure approach, as it uses multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, rather than just one, reducing the risk of spoofing and increasing confidence in the verification._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ G. lossario anonymization. Process by which data is processed in such a way that it is not possible to relate it to the identity of a person or their personal data. Despite these processes, it is possible to perform technical and scientific analyzes on that data set. For compliance with anonymization standards, the data must be stripped of sufficient elements so that the data subject can no longer be identified, and therefore these data must be processed so that it is not possible to identify a person through the use of all reasonable means to be used by any other person. Authentication. Authentication is a process that confirms a person's identity in the digital world. For this, the user is related to one or more variables such as passwords, tokens, identification cards, fingerprints or biometric characteristics. These factors are classified into three types: known, object and biometric. Some systems also require specific actions for more secure authentication. Multifactor Authentication. Single-factor authentication systems, like passwords, are easy to manage but also more vulnerable due to users' choice of passwords. On the other hand, biometric systems are more secure, but they run the risk of being irreversible and linked to a person's anatomy. For the best security and convenience, the current trend is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems. Multi-factor authentication is an authentication system that requires the presence of several different factors to verify a person's identity. These factors include information known to the user (such as a password), objects in the user's possession (such as a token or ID card), and biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints or facial recognition). The combination of these factors provides additional security against unauthorized access to protected information or resources. Authorization. It consists of the security process to determine what actions or services can be performed according to the identity of the users. Biometrics. Application of statistical methods and calculation in the study of biological phenomena. In security it is used as a means to identify, authenticate and control access through measurable human biological data. There are various levels of biometric security with biological measurements (DNA and blood); morphological ones that involve the structure of the body (shape of the face, eyes, etc) and behavioral ones, those based on actions or patterns such as the tone of the voice or the way of moving. Biometric data is unique to each individual and is one of the best identity confirmation tools. By the way, the term biometrics comes from two Greek words: BIOS(life) and _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_METRON (measured). Behavioral Biometrics. This is biometrics based on own actions or behaviors associated with a person. This includes typing pattern (formerly known as keystroke dynamics), tone of voice, use of social media, intensity of heartbeat, and even gait. cybercrime. It is any crime that involves computing devices and networks for carrying out illegal activities. More in detail, is usually used to talk about those activities directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and networks, as well as the data stored in them. Confidentiality. It is the protection of information and the guarantee that the stored and transmitted data will not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties. In the digital age, confidentiality is strengthened through the use of cryptography to ensure data privacy. Deduplication. Mechanisms used to detect duplicate identities and ensure the uniqueness of people within a system or organization. The tools used in these processes generally include biometric recognition, biographical data, and the use of credentials. Availability. It is the guarantee that a company's IT infrastructure has adequate recovery and protection capacity against system failures, natural disasters or malicious attacks. It is the ability to access and use resources, be it a computer network, a system, an application or data, allowing its use to authorized persons. Face Match. Facial recognition or face matching system through which a user uses his biometric characteristics (his face) to authenticate his identity. This is one of the most used systems thanks to the popularization of smartphones and is frequently associated with the use of mobile applications (apps) and web platforms as a mechanism to keep accounts or transactions safe and secure. Authorized source. Repository, system, or database that contains information about an individual's attributes and is considered to be the primary or most reliable source for this information. When two or more identification systems present a conflict in their data, the authorized source is used as the most secure source of information in this regard. Identity. It is the set of characteristics of an individual, or of a community, that characterize them from others. In security it is used to talk about individuals and the attributes that make them unique. These variables include physical characteristics, personal history, beliefs, cultural, national, and gender factors, among other variables. Digital identity. Just as there is a physical identity, there is also a digital version made up of the unique attributes of each individual that are captured, validated or _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_stored by digital means. ID. Process of determining or recognizing the identity of someone or something. In the physical world, it is done through identity documents issued by governments. In the digital world, identification is a key process to confirm the identity of an online user. This process includes the registration of attributes and the issuance of credentials to facilitate the subsequent authentication process. Biometric Identification. It is the process of determining the identity of a person through the use of biometric data such as the shape of the face, the fingerprint or the pattern of walking, among other possibilities. This information is then compared with a database to verify the identity of said user. Despite the use of digital tools for the capture, recording and comparison of data, it must be taken into account that a biometric match is never exact and therefore a 100% match between the biometric template and the user's data will never be presented. As a consequence, margins must be established for the acceptance of matching patterns that obey a category called biometric threshold. Integrity. It refers to the state and accuracy of the data involved in a process. In other words, integrity requires that the data received must be exactly the same as the data sent. performance metrics. They are measurement systems used to determine the precision of the authentication processes. In biometrics the following stand out: False Acceptance Rate (FAR): the false acceptance rate or FAR is sometimes known as the false negative rate or FN. As its name indicates, it is related to unregistered users who, despite them, are erroneously admitted to the systems. False Rejection Rate (FRR): the false rejection rate or FRR is sometimes known as the false positive rate or FP. It is the opposite case of the FAR and occurs when the system denies access to an authorized user. Biometric recognition. Procedure, through the use of technological devices, to confirm the identity of people by comparing biological and behavioral attributes. Face recognition. It is a way of verifying the identity of a user by comparing their facial features with a database saved in a digital format. This technology has become popular due to its ease of use and its registration process that includes the measurements of the different parts of the face. The registered data is optimized and protected by algorithms to guarantee the security of the information. cyber security. Cybersecurity is the combination of people, policies, processes and technologies used by a company to protect its digital assets. There are various classifications ranging from security of the Internet of Things (IoT), to information security, among other classifications. Some of the most common threats are ransomware, malware, denial of service attacks, and phishing. Its use has changed its motives, and sides, from its beginnings, from being a tool for extortion and industrial espionage, to the sabotage of entire nations in conflict and a tool for cyber-activists. Identification system. It is about the set of practices, equipment, technological infrastructure, software, credentials and laws involved in the capture, management and use of personal identification data. Digital identification system. It is a technological platform used during the life cycle of an organization's identity. It covers from the capture, validation, storage and transfer of data, to the management of credentials, for their subsequent verification and authorization de identities. Error rate. Biometrics has a margin of error that is controlled through the definition of a threshold, which balances the false acceptance rate and the false rejection rate. A low threshold will increase the acceptance rate and decrease the rejection rate, which can be risky as there will be a greater chance of unauthorized persons gaining access to protected systems. Therefore, increasing the rejection rate reduces the risk of unauthorized access. Check. For the context of information technology and security, it is defined as the process of confirming the identity of a user or process by comparing their attributes or credentials to facilitate their authorization and access to services. Biometric verification. It is the verification process using biometric attributes for this purpose. With this objective, a capture of these variables is carried out, whose information is compared with a digitally stored biometric template. Benefits Reduce phishing fraud. Increase conversion rates. Combat money laundering, terrorist financing and online fraud. Valid authenticity of Information. It is the primary source for the collection of information in the creation of the digital identity of the users. Promotes AML/KYC and KYT compliance. By using multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, you reduce the risk of spoofing and increase confidence in the verification. By employing various methods to confirm identity, the risk of fraud and identity theft is reduced. Some regulations require multi-factor verification to meet security standards. Multi-factor verification allows users to use different methods to confirm their identity, providing a higher level of flexibility. It allows companies to scale their identity verification processes to accommodate a greater number of users or a greater variety of transactions. Reduces the amount of personal information that is stored and shared, helping to protect users' privacy. It gives users the possibility to authenticate on different devices, be it from a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, which makes the verification process easier. Reduces the time and costs associated with identity verification. By using multiple factors to confirm a person's identity, users and businesses can have more confidence that information is protected and secure. Benefits Reduce phishing fraud. Increase conversion rates. Combat money laundering, terrorist financing and online fraud. Valid authenticity of Information. It is the primary source for the collection of information in the creation of the digital identity of the users. Promotes AML/KYC and KYT compliance. By using multiple methods to confirm a person's identity, you reduce the risk of spoofing and increase confidence in the verification. By employing various methods to confirm identity, the risk of fraud and identity theft is reduced. Some regulations require multi-factor verification to meet security standards. Multi-factor verification allows users to use different methods to confirm their identity, providing a higher level of flexibility. It allows companies to scale their identity verification processes to accommodate a greater number of users or a greater variety of transactions. Reduces the amount of personal information that is stored and shared, helping to protect users' privacy. It gives users the possibility to authenticate on different devices, be it from a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, which makes the verification process easier. Reduces the time and costs associated with identity verification. By using multiple factors to confirm a person's identity, users and businesses can have more confidence that information is protected and secure. multiple factors A solid confidence Process of check multifactorial Although each phase of the process is adapted to the client's needs and several of these run simultaneously, the following schemes represent a standard model. settings DeviceID. The set of elements is captured. Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The client defines what elements he wants to capture and the type of document. The service allows human review. Face Match. According to the risk, the client defines what thresholds he wants. 30% to 79%. 80% to 89%. 90% to 94%. 95% to 100%. We recommend a minimum of 40%. The service allows human review. Liveness. According to the risk, the client defines what thresholds he wants. 50% to 79%. 80% to 89%. 90% to 94%. 95% to 100%. We recommend a minimum of 60%. The service allows human review. Document validity. According to the risk, the client defines what thresholds he wants for each subservice. 50% to 79%. 80% to 89%. 90% to 94%. 95% to 100%. We recommend a minimum of 70%. The service allows human review. Registration acceptance. Pass. The user complies with the pre-set configuration flags in the multi-factor authentication and verification matrix. In study. The user does not meet the pre-established configuration flags in the multi-factor verification and authentication matrix, but is within a tolerable margin to analyze the case. The customer makes the decision. It doesn't happen. The user does not meet the preset configuration flags in the multifactor authentication and verification matrix. Use cases In terms of new customer registration, multi-factor identity verification can be used in different industries and sectors to ensure the accuracy and security of customer personal information. Banking and finance. Multi-factor identity verification is an important process to ensure security and prevent fraud. This process is essential to protect clients' assets and financial information and to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts. Multi-factor verification may also be required to comply with government and compliance regulations, such as money laundering law. Electronic commerce. Clients must provide personal and financial information. Multi-factor identity verification helps ensure that only authorized people make purchases on a website. Educational institutions. They use multi-factor identity verification to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive education information. Identity verification may include verification of identification documents such as passports, driver's licenses or student cards, and may be a requirement for access to certain areas or resources of the institution. Likewise, it can be used to control access to computer systems, including grade and grade management applications, and to protect the privacy of students' personal and financial data. Health. Clients must provide personal and financial information. Multi-factor identity verification helps ensure that only authorized people have access to health services. Sure. Allows you to ensure that the person applying for insurance is who they say they are, which helps prevent fraud and maintain system integrity. It improves the customer experience, allows a faster and more convenient process for the customer, since it can be done online and without the need to go to an office. Regulatory Compliance Many regulations and laws require rigorous verification of identity before purchasing insurance, ensuring that customers' rights are protected and data protection regulations are adhered to. Protection of personal data, ensures that the client's personal and financial data is kept safe and secure. Government services. It guarantees security and protects the privacy of citizens. This process is essential to protect the sensitive and confidential information of citizens and to prevent unauthorized access to their personal and financial data. It may also be required to comply with government and privacy regulations, such as the personal data protection law. Telecommunications. Customers must provide personal and financial information. Multi-factor identity verification helps ensure that only authorized people have access to services. Transport and logistics. It is used to make sure that the people or companies that access certain services or resources are really who they say they are. This may include verification of the identity of truck drivers, authentication of shipments, and validation of the identity of shippers and recipients. By verifying the identity of the passengers, it can be ensured that the people traveling in a means of transport are the same ones that were registered in the system and that they comply with the security requirements. It may include verification of identification documents, criminal records, and security checks on watch lists. In addition, identity verification can also help prevent unauthorized entry and ensure supply chain integrity in the transportation of goods. Tourism. By verifying the identity of tourists, tourism service providers can ensure that the people who book and travel are really the ones who have registered. It may also help prevent unauthorized entry into certain tourist areas and may be required to comply with immigration and homeland security regulations. Identity verification can be done through the presentation of identification documents such as passports or driving licences, and can be a requirement when booking accommodation, excursions or flights. Frequent questions What types of documents do you accept for identity verification? We have the ability to train our visual computing algorithms to accept different types of identity documents, we especially support the official identity documents of each country, passports and driver's licenses, mainly in Latin America. How is the security and privacy of customer information guaranteed? We implement multiple data security strategies, and we maintain more than 35 security, privacy and data protection policies. We run drills and have an incident management policy. Finally, through our Data Fabric, we allow the information collected to be anonymized. What processes and technologies do you use to verify the authenticity of documents? We use different visual computing algorithms that allow us to process information from the captured documents, such as the sources, taxonomy and other characteristics of each one of them, on which the probability that the document is authentic is presented with a very high reliability. Do you offer any additional services or solutions to enforce identity verification, such as biometric authentication? Anteia's identity verification is intrinsically connected to biometric authentication, our process requires validation of both the document and the person, so that we can verify if the person agrees with the document. Do they have any experience or certifications in identity verification in a specific industry? We have experience with entities in the solidarity sector, banking, bonds, insurance, cargo transportation industry, among others. We follow biometric and identity verification standards, following the GDPR and ISO 27701 standards. What are the processing times for identity verification? It can take a user between 1 and 3 minutes to finish a verification process, our methods allow background processing while the user interacts with the application. Can you handle mass or large-scale identity verifications? Yes, we have a scalable system to make links based on the needs and capacity requirements of each client. Do you offer any kind of technical support or customer service to help with issues related to identity verification? Yes, in addition to a technical support service, we have automated support systems (intelligent personal assistant) that in a friendly way help users to successfully complete a linking process. Do they have experience verifying identity in different languages or for clients from different countries? Currently, we are expanding in Latin America to become a global solution that accommodates all the needs of languages and people from different countries. Do you offer integration with other platforms or systems to facilitate the identity verification process in a company's workflow? Our system is easy to integrate, which is why we offer multiple integration options that allow us to connect with various systems, so that the customer experience is the best. How is customer identity verification information handled and stored? We have multiple methods of information management and storage, through our Data Fabric we anonymize and pseudonymize sensitive user data to improve user privacy. We handle different types of connections and data transfer to deliver the information to the client in a secure manner. Do you have a process in place to handle fraud or unauthorized identity verification attempts? Our system analyzes the verification process and, in case of finding anomalies, generates alerts, all based on the client's parameterization, so that in those cases they can manually verify if the anomaly was caused by an attempted fraud. What kind of reports or statistics can you provide to help companies evaluate and improve their identity verification processes? One of the functionalities in the Backoffice is the possibility of evaluating, through graphs and consolidated information, the information from the verifications in different time ranges. This is particularly useful for learning the effectiveness of a new campaign, or seeing at a glance the number of people accepted into a particular flow. In case of fraud, are they responsible for the damage caused? Anteia is responsible for compliance with the configuration parameters of the verification matrix, in case of any system failure we are responsible In case of storing the information, and reaching a termination of the contract, does the transfer of the information generate a cost? Yes, the cost varies depending on the transfer method, since it must comply with the data transfer security requirements that we have in our policies. Do they validate the photograph of the document with the issuing entity? The information of the identity document is consulted, in the event that the issuing entities offer this service, it can be quoted. Does your platform work without internet? On the roadmap there is a version of certain services that allows you to operate without a live internet connection. This version, called "Eventual Connectivity", allows data capture without any Internet connection. This data is stored on the device until it has an internet connection. At that time, the data will be sent to our servers so that it can be verified and the process is completed. Do you have notifications sent by WhatsApp? In cases of need, it is used as a means of backup notifications. Is the platform modular? Yes, the anteia services can be obtained separately. How many checks can be performed per minute? The indicator per client is 57. digital identity It is a virtual and digital representation of a person on the Internet and other digital media, which includes personal and professional information, such as names, contact information, preferences and online activity. This information allows users to interact and conduct transactions online, resulting in a more convenient and efficient experience. It can be used by companies and organizations to personalize the user experience and improve the efficiency of their business processes. It is important to be aware of the privacy and security concerns associated with digital identity. Personal information online can be vulnerable to hacker attacks and other types of cybercrime, which can result in the loss of sensitive data and breach of privacy. Pseudonymization is a data privacy technique that aims to protect the privacy of individuals when processing their personal data. It is achieved through the replacement of a person's unique identifiers, such as their name, address, identification number, etc., with an artificial identifier, such as an alias or code. This process allows the processing of personal data without exposing the real identifiers of the person, reducing the risk of re-identification and, therefore, the violation of privacy. Anteia implements an exhaustive pseudonymization process to protect the privacy of individuals and comply with regulations and data protection standards. The process includes identification of sensitive data, creation of an artificial identifier and its encryption, replacement of unique identifiers with the encrypted identifier, validation of pseudonymization, secure storage and use of pseudonymous data, and documentation. and process audit. We use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm to ensure data integrity and generate a unique hash. We pseudonymize the identity verification data. We create a digital identity. Services such as Geneus Docs and SecurSing orbit around it. multiple factors A solid confidence multiple factors A solid confidence multiple factors A solid confidence digital identity It is a virtual and digital representation of a person on the Internet and other digital media, which includes personal and professional information, such as names, contact information, preferences and online activity. This information allows users to interact and conduct transactions online, resulting in a more convenient and efficient experience. It can be used by companies and organizations to personalize the user experience and improve the efficiency of their business processes. It is important to be aware of the privacy and security concerns associated with digital identity. Personal information online can be vulnerable to hacker attacks and other types of cybercrime, which can result in the loss of sensitive data and breach of privacy. Pseudonymization is a data privacy technique that aims to protect the privacy of individuals when processing their personal data. It is achieved through the replacement of a person's unique identifiers, such as their name, address, identification number, etc., with an artificial identifier, such as an alias or code. This process allows the processing of personal data without exposing the real identifiers of the person, reducing the risk of re-identification and, therefore, the violation of privacy. Anteia implements an exhaustive pseudonymization process to protect the privacy of individuals and comply with regulations and data protection standards. The process includes identification of sensitive data, creation of an artificial identifier and its encryption, replacement of unique identifiers with the encrypted identifier, validation of pseudonymization, secure storage and use of pseudonymous data, and documentation. and process audit. We use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm to ensure data integrity and generate a unique hash. We pseudonymize the identity verification data. We create a digital identity. Services such as Geneus Docs and SecurSing orbit around it. Request DEMO